

Bryn Mawr Classical Review vom 11.5.2004

»This PhD dissertation deals with Cicero and the bellum civile, treats the poets Vergil, Horace, and Propertius and their experience of the civil war, offers good ideas for a sociology of Augustan literature by exploring the social preconditions of these poetic achievements, and investigates the poets' technique of presenting subjects and persons. As far as Vergil is concerned, M. makes an important observation: while the national poet of the Romans rejected any kind of war right after 29 BCE, heroic fights become the rule again in the Aeneid. The book offers a detailed report on the way Cicero, Vergil, Horace, and Propertius portray civil war, and in doing so it offers an introduction to the development of Cicero's political thinking as well as to Augustan literature.«

Werner Riess

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Umschlagbild: Das Zeitbewusstsein und der Bürgerkrieg

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Das Zeitbewusstsein und der Bürgerkrieg

Eine Untersuchung zur geistigen und politischen Situation im Umbruch zwischen Republik und Principat
Mäckel, Iris

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